Friday, March 2, 2018

I Have a Confession to Make

Before I really truly begin, and I mean start drinking all the tea!

I have to say something, to clear the air as it were.

I have obsessions.

I have loves.

I . have . Passions!

I think you see where I am going with this.

Now what does this mean? Nothing really.

I have my preferences like any other human out there on this planet and I fully expect those to be revealed and played against during this endeavor.

I have a deep love for all things green tea.

I'm not talking the store bought green tea that for some reason always comes with ginseng and honey. Yuck!

No, I'm talking about the deliciously brewed stuff and if it's Matcha Green tea, just catch me before I fall over.

Look at me, I'm drinking it right now! Don't mind the Platypus.

I expect that I as I go on my tastes will expand, which is part of the point.

I have a feeling that I will gravitate towards floral and fruit teas and I am here for that. I say I am ready for all new and intense flavors.

Now as far as the books go, be prepared for a lot of pairings with YA fantasy, because that is what I primarily read. This does not mean there isn't some diversity on my book shelf, but I felt I should warn you of this.

I think those of you already fans of YA fantasy will enjoy this more and I hope that those of you who maybe don't read that genre as much, that you find something new out of this. Who knows, maybe something will draw you in. This is what I hope.

So that is it. Infuser is still coming tonight and I will probably do a sort of un-boxing video.

Stay tuned.

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